what: book design
for: designers, book lovers, those interested in alternative fuels and how they can be used to improve life
This book design, discussing the use of algae as an alternative fuel source, took advantage of an analogy of test tubes and scientific research as a conceptual starting point.
The binding is a soft cover design with an exposed spine, which mimics the vertical nature of the test tube, while allowing the book to lay flat when opened.
Chapter opening imagery merge soft-focus macro photographs with subtle gradients and typographic “ripples” to imply views through algae-filled waters.
Each column becomes an individual test tube, with small “algal cells” nesting at the end of each main section. Paragraphs are separated by bright yellow-green colons, as if algae cells were growing on the page itself. Brightly colored boxes, appearing much like user-added highlight marker notes. Supporting infographics are visually called out using either an "enlarged" view off to the side, or organized on a light scientific grid, as if they were notes made in the lab.
Overall, the aesthetic set up a scientific voice that remained visually approachable to the audience.